

Support for Displaced and Remaining Employees

Every organization finds it necessary to reorganize or downsize its workforce at some time. Having an effective outplacement services team in place can help ease the pain. Ulliance offers emotional support, career coaching and other tools your employees need to effectively transition to their new position at a new employer.

As part of our outplacement program, we’ll teach your managers and supervisors how to effectively deal with employees undergoing reductions, restructurings, buyouts or site closings. We’ll train and coach former employees during their transition and job search—at one site or multiple sites across the country—while supporting the remaining employees to maintain productivity.

This program is designed to assist both the organization and employees during a site closing and/or workforce reduction. Ulliance will help companies plan for the announcement to employees and prepare managers to appropriately interact with those losing their jobs as well as those who remain with the company. Employees directly impacted by the layoffs participate in career transition workshops that focus on important re-employment skills and adjusting to this significant change.

At Ulliance, we provide not only the standard training on how to find a new job, we’ll also address the significant emotional impact on employees and their family—all with fees that are on average, 20 to 30 percent less than competitor programs.

ulliance career transitions services give OUR CLIENTS WHAT THEY WANT:

  • Higher level of services regarding behavioral/mental health support
  •  Increased human resources support and consultation
  •  Online portal featuring: networking tools, job search function, resume builder, comprehensive app and learning center with resources
  •  Personal service and fast response to urgent situations
  •  Improved employee morale
  •  National coverage provided
  •  Service ranging from one person to an entire site
  •  Multiple customized outplacement packages
  •  Experts at addressing the emotional side of job loss
  •  Support for remaining employees
  •  Pre-notification planning & management services
  •  Custom notification intervention plan
  •  Access to Employee Assistance Program to support their behavioral/mental well-being


Outplacement Essentials
“I was very anxious after being laid off, but the Career Transition Workshop that Ulliance provided made me feel more confident to update my resume and start my career search.”Career Transition Workshop Attendee